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We operate a ‘pre-order’ system, which enables your child to choose his/her meal option from the menu at the start of the school day. This takes place in the classroom during registration. Pre-ordering ensures that every child is provided with the meal of their choice.
Please make regular payments in ARBOR in advance of school meals being taken to prevent your child’s account falling into arrears.
Alternatively children may bring a healthy packed lunch – no sweets or fizzy drinks please. Children receive a piece of fruit at morning break, but are encouraged to bring a piece of their own too. There should be no nuts/nut products, sweets or chewing gum in packed lunches or as a break time snack.
DINNER MONEY- £2.40 per day for junior pupils (meals are provided free of charge for children in Reception and KS1)
Free School Meals
Free school meals eligibility (Pupil Premium) provides additional funding for the school which is spent directly on your child.
If you feel your child may be entitled to free school meals, please speak to Miss Allum in the school office, or contact the Pupil Benefits section at the London Borough of Bromley on 0208 313 4127. Alternatively you can download a form from the Borough’s website at www.bromley.gov.uk . You will need to provide documentary evidence of any benefits you are currently in receipt of. The school will be notified by the Borough if your child’s free meals entitlement is in place.