Downe Primary

Downe Primary School

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School Data





School Performance Table / Latest Results

Click here for our School Performance Table.

We achieve consistently good results at Downe.

Data for the last three years shows we have exceeded the National and Local Authority averages for achieving the expected standards in reading, writing and mathematics.

All children make good progress from their starting points in all subjects.

Our latest end of KS2 Results (2018-2019) are as follows:

Reading SATS 91.6% at Expected Standard National was 73%
Mathematics SATS 83.3% at Expected Standard National was 79%
Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar SATS 91.6% at Expected Standard National was 78%
Writing (Teacher Assesment) 91.6% at Expected Standard National was 78%

Please find relevant information from the Department for Education performance tables below.

Schools did not need to publish their KS2 results from 2021-22 on their website and this data was not published. this is because statutory assessments returned for the first time since 2019 after disruption caused by the COVID 19 pandemic.


School performance 2023